Mobile App Template

Simple Appointment Booker (Android, Iphone, Ipad, Blackberry, Windows Phone)

Do you have a business that requires appointments to be made?  We can create one for you in less than a week!  What does this include?  Your clients will be able to:

  • Open your custom branded app
  • Select services you provide
  • Select time slot they prefer
  • Once they submit, you will get confirmation email for the request

You can then contact your client within seconds to confirm the booking via email or their number.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Subject (required)

    What is the level of urgency for this app? Use the Slider below. (0 - Not Urgent at all | 10 - Extremely Urgent)

    Please input the list of services you provide that will be included in the app as you like to see it:

    Enter the email address where you would like to receive the bookings.

    Select which general times are available for the to client to specify.

    Best way to contact you? (required)

    Tel: eg. 905-555-5555

    Attach a hi-res image of your company logo in jpg or png format (1 megabyte max file size).

    Colour code of the background that works best with your logo